Early Education Modular Course Curriculum and Lessons Plans for online labs dedicated to some of the subjects and themes selected and that will be related to the development of the young children’s various competencies as well as to the development of new ways - suitable and enjoyable for their young age - to communicate through digital tools and use them to share knowledge, emotions and experiences.
A Manual for Early Education online Labs. The style and design of this interactive handbook will be set up to be adopted as a university course, to be used by students and teachers for their professional updating, and be incorporated into the educational activities of various associations (teachers, parents, psychologists’ associations, pedagogues, pre-school clubs and associations, private schools, etc.)
See our interactive manual prepared for preschool teachers, parents and ECEC teaching students below.
An Online Early Education MOOC which will be an educational, evaluation, and monitoring and dissemination tool. This Project Result involves the creation of a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) to upskill teachers interested in updating and expanding their pedagogical repertoire and integrate the use of technology in their practices. The aim is to make outputs available to a wider audience thanks to an Open Education Resources (OER) policy. It will be in English and translated into all partner’s languages.
Moodle focus